Updated - 8/24/2008

    Good news:  I have the pictures from the vacation to London & Paris up.   Also have the pictures back up from our 2006 trip to the Grand Canyon.

    Bad news:  The program I used to make those little albums to make it easier to sort through the pictures... well... Vista and that program no longer like each other.

    I put the pictures up using the web components that comes with FrontPage 2003, so it is pretty barebones.  When you click on the picture, use the back button on your browser to get back to the pictures to pick from.  I will do what I can to get a work around on the software, but with college I am not sure when I will have time.  That is why I wanted to get the pictures up today.

                                                       Pauline and Jamie

This page last updated on: Sunday, August 24, 2008